Mathematica comes preinstalled on raspbian and is free for personal use. Adding a vnc or rdp server to a raspberry pi running raspbian allows to display and control Mathematica with an iPad. If the raspberry pi is configured as wlan access point you get a free and rather mobile installation of Mathematica.
Required hardware: raspberry pi model B, 16 GB sd(hc) card (at least 4 GB), ew-7811un wireless usb adapter; device running a vnc or rdp viewer (e.g. iPad with RD Client app).
- Installation of raspbian to sd card:
download raspbian image
unzip the file
copy it to the sd card (linux: dd if=your_file of=/dev/sdX bs=1M; sdX is the device name of the sd card) - Configuration of raspbian on raspberry pi:
for the first run plug monitor, keyboard, lan and usb current source into raspberry pi;
raspi-config gets started automatically on first boot
resize raspbian partition to full size of sd card (using the menu of raspi-config)
set hostname, keyboard, language, timezone, password; enable ssh server; boot into console
login as user pi and become root with sudo su. Run apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade - Add software to raspbian (as root user)
apt-get install mc (I cannot live without)
apt-get install xrdp
apt-get install tightvnc-server
apt-get install hostapd dnsmasq - The xrdp server works with the default configuration. Alternatively use tightvnc-server as described here:
with VNC_USER=”pi”, HOME=”/home/pi”,FOO_ID=1
and set as user pi a password for vnc with vncpasswd;
after reboot the vnc server will listen on port 5901 - Configure the wlan router function as described here, but make the following changes:
the program /usr/bin/hostapd installed by raspian has to be replaced by a self compiled version (mine is here – having used these instructions); (or you might use this file mentioned in this note)
add dns server to /etc/dnsmasq.conf: dhcp-option=6,
(ios clients seem to be picky about non standard network masks. So configure wlan0 with and adapt dnsmasq.conf.
add modules to /etc/modules (one per line):
nf-conntrack-ipv4 iptable-nat ipt-MASQUERADE (optional iptable-filter )
do not create the file /etc/network/ifup.d/, but add the 2 lines of this file to /etc/rc.local
ifup wlan0
iptables –table nat -A POSTROUTING –out-interface eth0 -j MASQUERADE
#optional: iptables -A FORWARD –in-interface wlan0 -j ACCEPT
#optional: iptables -I INPUT -i wlan0 -p udp –dport 67:68 –sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT
(and make sure that the newly added lines are above the line “exit 0”)
Remark: long iptables options have — which tends to get displayed as unicode long hyphen; (has to be replaced manually when using copy and paste):
To test hostapd and/or dnsmasq run it on the console: hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
and/or dnsmasq -u dnsmasq –conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf -d - Plug the mini wlan adapter ew-7811un into the raspberry pi and reboot
try to join wlan Himmbeerhacks and try to connect with rdp to or open with a vnc viewer (like RD Client or Remoter VNC on iPad).
Further trial and error shows that with a bluetooth keyboard rdp works better than vnc. Especially square brackets (alt+5, alt+6) do not work well with vnc – at least in my setup with locale swiss german. That is why I started to use xrdp and the free microsoft remote desktop client for iOS.
Blog of spblinux » Blog Archive » Geany as Java IDE for EV3 leJOS on Raspberry Pi says:
[…] « Mathematica on iPad using raspberry pi […]
March 9, 2014, 13:54Blog of spblinux » Blog Archive » Raspberry Pi as airplay client for iPhone says:
[…] To setup raspbmc as wifi accesspoint refer to this post […]
October 19, 2014, 16:19Blog of spblinux » Blog Archive » Raspberry Pi as PirateBox using BerryBoot says:
[…] replace /usr/bin/hostapd by this version (reference) […]
November 2, 2014, 22:31Blog of spblinux » Blog Archive » Raspberry Pi with Mallory says:
[…] Installation on a raspberry pi with raspbian and configured access point: […]
December 22, 2014, 00:30