Looking for a simple web based app to take notes I discovered http://scrumblr.ca/ and a fork which added markdown tagging and import/export: https://framemo.org/.
Installation on debian stretch using apache2 as proxy allowing password protected access by ssl (described here and here):
apt-get install nodejs npm redis-server
- mkdir -p /opt/nodejs
cd /opt/nodejs -
adduser –no-create-home –home /opt/nodejs/scrumblr –disabled-login –gecos “Scrumblr” scrumblr
git clone https://github.com/aliasaria/scrumblr.git
chown scrumblr: -R /var/www/scrumblr
cd scrumblr - npm install
- add scrumbler extensions of ldidry and test scrumblr on the console:
su scrumblr -s /bin/bash
git remote add fork https://github.com/ldidry/scrumblr/
git fetch fork
git pull fork master
node server.js –port 4242 –baseurl /your_url_dir
bugfix (“RangeError…”): edit config.js and change the line redis: …
redis: argv.redis || ‘redis://’
- netstat -ant reveals that scrumbler listens on all interfaces; so replace in server.js line server.listen(conf.port);
server.listen(conf.port, ‘’); - add a service description to /etc/systemd/system/scrumblr.service (reference) and enable scrumblr.service
(and include startup argument –baseurl /your_url_dir) - configure apache2 as proxy
- enable modules: a2enmod proxy; a2enmod proxy_http
- add a location section to virtual host config file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<Location /your_url_dir>
</Location> - apache2ctl configtest; apache2ctl graceful
- Open http(s)://your_server.tld/your_url_dir/
- mini bug: the link to demo board is an absolute url and thus ignores proxy url; to fix this remove absolute path in scrumblr/views/home.jade at line p.home!=…
p.home!= ‘<a href=”demo”>’ + ‘demo</a>’ - here is a reference for the use of markdown syntax (e.g. insert links and images)
- mini bug: the link to demo board is an absolute url and thus ignores proxy url; to fix this remove absolute path in scrumblr/views/home.jade at line p.home!=…
- Todo: properly support editing on android and ios devices
- ios recognizes doubleclick but cursor cannot be moved
- android does not recognize doubleclick
- scrumblr/client/script.js line card.children(‘.content’).editable…: if event: ‘dblclick’ gets replaced by
event: ‘click’
enables editing empty cards on mobile devices at the price that on the desktop dragging of a card activates edit mode - differentiate between ‘click’ for touch devices and ‘dblclick’ for other devices: content of diff file is here.