Archive for January, 2019

some notes:

very slow disk access inside vm might be caused by balanced power plan (which is install default in server 2008r2, 2012r2 hyperv core).
use powercfg.exe -l to check powerplan and powercfg -s to set another plan, e.g. performance; check with crystalldiskmark

running some time virtual disks tend to get to small. On server 2012r2 powershell has:
get-vhd -path …, resize-vhd -path -sizebytes …GB, optimize-vhd

before moving a vhd(x) file, display acl lists using icacls (to be able to restore permissions iacl …./grant …)

… net use z:  \\\sharename * /user:your_name (and net use z: /delete)

partitions inside a vhd may be resized with diskpart
– sel vdisk file=….
– attach vdisk
– sel last partition and the corresponding volume
– extend
– lis par (to check)
– detach